Monday, July 11, 2011


Here is the recipe for the mojitos that we have been making this summer.  Refreshing and delicious!

  1. Step one is to pick some fresh mint from the garden.  Luckily we have an abundant supply.  Strip the leaves from the stem and keep them whole.  Wash and rinse and put them in the bottom of the glass.  Use a small bunch - about 7-10 leaves.
  2. Add about 1/2 to 1 T sugar, depending on what you prefer.
  3. Cut one lime into quarters lengthwise.  Squeeze the juice from 2 of the quarters into the glass and drop the rind into the glass as well.  Add a few additional squirts of "pre-squeezed" lime juice if you prefer.
  4. Using a pestle, gently crush the lime, sugar, and mint together in the bottom of the glass. 
  5. Add about 2 oz of clear rum, depending on the preferred strength.
  6. Mix with a spoon, add about 5-6 cubes of ice and fill the rest of the glass up with soda water or lime flavored fizzy water, like Mendota.  Mix again with the spoon to blend all of the ingredients together.
  7. Enjoy!